Dear Mom,
Let's be best friends. I’ll share stories, recipes, and ideas for games and activities, for your kids. I’ll suggest parenting techniques, recommend books and products, and provide entertaining reads for your precious ME time.
In return, you must promise to visit often, and share your thoughts and feedback.
Kanika G
A Little About Me
I always wanted to be a writer, and I always wanted to be a scientist. So I spent 10 years being a physicist. I did a doctorate in theoretical physics from Washington State University.
When my older daughter turned 2, I wanted to get her interested in books. I searched for some, but my laziness got the better of me, and I decided to write some instead.
Before I knew it, my old love for writing was rekindled. After having written a few stories, I decided to publish. I was shy to start out, so I used the pen name Kanika G. But this alternate identity has taken over, and I enjoy having it, so that is how you will know me.
The character, Tania, was inspired by my older daughter, Pell G. Eventually Tania took on a life of her own and has become very dear to me. Pell, was a little over 2 years old, when I started writing. I read the books to her and delete, shorten or rewrite the parts where she looks bored. She helps me choose pictures. She asks for the stories to be read to her repeatedly and is a wonderful trial audience. Writing and reading these ebooks serves as an excellent way for us to spend time together.
Over the years I have grown as a writer and explored many different subjects. On this site you will find children's stories, picture books, parenting blog posts, short stories for grown ups, articles pertaining to women's issues, recipes, poetry and more.
To know more about me: Check out this in-depth interview
I am grateful to Maria Schneider from Bear Mountain Books who helped me get started in self-publishing and shared many useful tips. Thanks Danielle for your encouragement and tips and for freekidsbooks, which is making my books popular.
Thank you Kovid Goyal, for calibre, the free software I use to create ebooks.
I appreciate openclipart, pdclipart and StockSnap.io, making their images freely available. Many of the images in my books and blogs are obtained from these websites.
And a big thanks to my husband (aka Papa in my blog posts), for making this website for me.
I also blog at:
Other places that you can find my books:
Copyright © by Kanika G
All rights reserved. The content on this website or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. For permissions contact gee[dot]kanika[at]gmail[dot]com.