Worshiping something will always have you stuck at the level of a devotee, and will never stretch out to make you a creator. We need to encourage our kids to go beyond understanding and create. Read on to find out how creating makes learning a lot more fun, focused, and productive.
Kids have loads of fantastic ideas they entertain themselves with. Following through on the ideas and creating something, can be fulfilling and a confidence booster.
It’s we who put them on a pedestal, it is we who cover up, rationalize or dismiss their transgressions, and then much later it is we who are surprised by their sense of entitlement, much like parents of spoilt kids, who simply can’t figure out where they went wrong in child rearing.
Sexism still lurks in the most unexpected places in subtle ways. Are people still skeptical, when a woman claims an interesting idea to be her own? And what happens, when a man disputes the claim? Read on to see what Sarah finds out.
Mukta woke up groggy and disoriented. As her consciousness gradually returned, she looked around, and she was terrified. Fear made the muscles in her abdomen knot up. She wondered where she was and what lay in store for her.