Editing Services
I provide freelance editing services for short stories, articles and novels. If you wish to avail of my services, please contact me at gee.kanika@gmail.com.
Manuscripts must be submitted in DOCX format.
Only completed manuscripts are accepted.
Type of service: Line editing.
The charges and editing process depends on the length of the manuscript. Based on that, I have created two categories. Shorts (< 15,000 words) and Long Form for manuscripts with more than 15,000 words.
Shorts (< 15000 words)
Minimum charge is Rs. 300.
Charges are 25 to 30 paise per word, depending on length and quality of manuscript.
Procedure for Editing
Once you submit a completed manuscript, I will send you a free sample edit of a small fraction of your work, along with my quote and bank details. If you are happy with my editing style, please make the full payment by NEFT or UPI.
Then I will start editing your full manuscript. I will send you the first round of edits focusing on improving the language, checking tenses, pointing out inconsistencies, removing redundancies, etc. I may need to contact you, if I require any clarification as I work on your manuscript. You can accept or reject the changes as you like, and then return the manuscript.
After that, I will proofread the manuscript and return it to you. The final manuscript may include a few suggestions for minor improvements. I will be happy to address your questions.
If you require further editing, additional charges may apply.
The process typically takes 3 to 10 days depending on how quickly you respond and how long the story/article is.
Long Form (15000 or more words)
Charges are 35 to 50 paise per word, depending on length and quality of manuscript.
Procedure for Editing
Once you submit a completed manuscript, I will send you a free sample edit of a few paragraphs of your work along with my quote and bank details. If you are happy with my editing style, please pay 25% of the total amount by NEFT or UPI.
Next, I will work on the first round of edits for approximately a quarter of your book, focusing on improving the language, checking tenses, pointing out inconsistencies, removing redundancies, etc. I may need contact you, if I require any clarification as I work on your manuscript. Once I am done with the first round of edits for about a quarter of your book, I will return the manuscript. At this point, you will have to pay the remaining 75% to continue. If you choose to proceed, you can accept or reject the changes as you like, and then return the manuscript.
I will then send you the first round of edits for the remaining manuscript. You can accept or reject the changes as you like and then return it.
I will go through the whole manuscript a second time suggesting improvements, correcting grammar, checking for typos and fixing punctuation. Again, you can go through changes and accept or reject them as you like and then return it to me.
I will then do a round of proofreading.
Charges include two rounds of editing and a round of proofreading, as described above. If you require further editing, additional charges may apply.
I have worked with various published authors and award winning bloggers, and here is what some of them have to say.
Meha Sharma

Meha is a published author and an award winning blogger.

Venkataraman Ganesan AKA Venky is a published author, blogger and a top rated reviewer at Goodreads.
Anshu Bhojnagarwala

Anshu is a published author, blogger and an entrepreneur.
Priya Bajpai

Priya is a published author and an imaginative storyteller.
Copyright © by Kanika G
All rights reserved. The content on this website or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. For permissions contact gee[dot]kanika[at]gmail[dot]com.