Ever since Lavanya and I started the Nina and Nana series, my older daughter, Pell G, has been very interested in my work. She insists on peering on to my laptop screen and reading the cartoons over and over again. It takes me back to the days when we used to write loads of Tania books together.
But now she is a lot older, so she can participate actively too. She has been trying to come up with a good Nina and Nana joke, and she finally succeeded. It took some fine tuning, but I thought it was a pretty great one.
That's how Lavanya and I got the idea of creating a kids special. So, from now on, every Friday, we will post a kid friendly joke, that is both informative and giggle-worthy. On Friday June 15, we will be posting the joke suggested by Pell. So look out for it. She'll be thrilled to hear what you think.
We also invite you to post any interesting, surprising fact your kid shared with you, in the comments section of any Nina and Nana post, on either of our (mine or Lavanya's) blogs, and we will try our best to create a cartoon centered around the factoid. When we post the joke on a Friday, we will credit your child and tag you, if you are okay with that.
So little kiddies, keep those facts coming, and we'll get cracking on cracking you up. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Mommies and daddies, please be kind enough to pass on the valuable information your kids want to share.
Aesha Shah too contributed to the materialization of this idea. Thanks Aesha.