Monthly News Publication For Kids


Some time ago, I received my first copy of My Paper, a monthly news publication for kids. My 5 year old daughter was so excited she wanted to read all the articles at once. Frankly in today's internet age I did not see any point in getting them a subscription to a newspaper. After all information is at their fingertips. They can look up anything they are curious about, and for fiction or activities I buy them books. So what purpose does a monthly news publication serve?

Just because the information is available, does not mean useful information is easy to find. The internet is huge and combing it for useful articles for kids is time consuming. A friend gifted my daughter a subscription and here is what I found.

Kids love receiving snail mail. They feel important receiving their monthly newspaper that arrives in their own name. They bubble with excitement opening the package wondering what nuggets of interesting information, stories, jokes and activities await them. The paper has news articles that are not only suitable for kids but can also inspire them. As a bonus, they are quite interesting for grown-ups too. The sections in this issue include:


This section has an inspiring story about an engineer with formal education only up to class X, who is building a working helicopter using a Maruti 800 engine and scrap parts from junk yards. There are also other interesting stories about potable water capsules that can be eaten and a solar calculator app made by ISRO to help those who would like to harness solar energy.


This issue focusses on the importance of iron in the diet and suggests an interesting experiment to separate the iron in breakfast cereal. There is also an interesting tip on how to avoid over-eating.


This issue enlightens us about some interesting facts about Ramadan and also has a quiz about dances from around the world.


This is a hot button issue and the future of our planet lies on the balance. This issue has several tips for kids so they can inculcate green habits from an early age. There is also an article about the rapid depletion in the number of jaguars and the associated concerns.


This issue deals with historical building and monuments. It has some interesting historical facts about skyscrapers, that are mushrooming around Mumbai today, and a news article about a recently discovered 3700 year old pyramid in Egypt.


This section had some book reviews and a lovely suggestion for a rewarding activity that will help kids stay positive.

My Story

And of course this paper for kids would be incomplete without some fiction. This issue retold a well known kids parable.


This section is packed with puzzles, quizzes, brainteasers, riddles, activities, amazing fun facts, a sudoku and a colouring activity. Something to keep the kids busy while you have your cup of tea and do the crossword or read a book.


This issue taught simple German phrases and introduced some unusual and funny English words, many of which, most grown ups would be unfamiliar with.



There was an inspirational story and some interesting news titbits.


This section showcases paintings, picture stories (A really good one in this issue), sketches and poems contributed by the little ones. A great way to inspire kids, by showing them that little people can do a lot if they really want to.

This publication is on glossy paper, with a versatile collection of articles, interesting and inspiring for kids. The articles are wisely chosen and well written.

Only down side: They are having some trouble with the postal system and issues get delayed or missed sometimes, though, I believe, that can be addressed with them. They also have a more reliable speed post or courier option for an extra Rs. 240 a year.

Tags: kids, activity, review, learning, story, games