Here are two poems I wrote for mother's day
The Tug-Of-War That Is Parenting
I am walking
On a narrow path
With you
In my arms.
Every fork
is a dilemma
for an anxious mama
There is no right way
Or so they say
But they all worry
Isn't that funny?
Steep cliffs on either side
I must keep my balance
What is down below
I do not know
I'm too scared to look,
In to the abyss on either side.
You think there are trampolines,
May be you are right.
You say you read it in a book.
If I let you go,
You say you'll bounce back.
Yet I can't do it,
Your conviction, I lack.
You say you've grown wings,
You need to explore.
Those wings are too weak,
I say, let me hold you some more.
Yes your wings are strong now,
I must let go.
I am out of excuses,
It is time for you to soar.
As I loosen my grip,
It is harder than I thought.
I grown accustomed to the bond,
And I miss it a lot.
The Magic Of Mischief
The twinkle in your eye,
Tells a tale
Of mischief and mayhem
I am a deer
caught in a spell
cast by a bright light.
As the plot unravels
I smile
I can't help it.
Like the deer.