It has been 77 years since we emerged from the dark night of tyranny into the dawn of independence. Since then, we have collectively grown together.
Growing is a messy process, and we have learned from many mistakes, but our growth has been organic, because even in our earliest days we were wise enough to embrace democracy.
We chose to stand together through the trials and tribulations as we moved forward. In spite of all our foibles, we have remained steadfastly together through disagreements and fights, in joy and sorrow, in sickness and in health, in good times and bad.
When we chose democracy, we knew we we not choosing either efficiency or perfection. We were choosing inclusivity and humanity. We chose strife and disagreement, so all our voices might be heard. We chose the meandering messy path of learning, over the straight path of a bulldozer. While our march forward may be slower than some might like, it certainly has been colorful, enlightening and robust.
On a day like this, we often celebrate the most successful among us, but remember, we did not choose an autocracy or even a meritocracy. So today is not about leaders or winners. Today is about our immense endurance as the people of this country to stick together through all the challenges that come our way.
Today we celebrate ourselves as the people who have prevailed, with the hope that in the future, we shall overcome new challenges, together.