This season the strawberries are awesome. Large, juicy, crisp and sweet. So we are making the most of it. Usually we have strawberries with home made yoghurt as described in the recipe this book. The other day I had some lovely strawberries, but I was out of yoghurt. So I tried something new; strawberries with dark chocolate pudding.
Lets start with the dark chocolate pudding.
6 table spoons cocoa powder
8 tablespoons castor sugar
400 ml milk
4 tablespoons corn starch
2 teaspoons vanilla essence
1/3 teaspoon salt
Put the cocoa powder, salt and sugar in a large pan.
Add a quarter cup of the milk and mix thoroughly to make a smooth paste without any lumps of cocoa powder. Then add vanilla essence and mix again.
In a separate cup mix corn starch with 4 table spoons of milk to make a smooth white liquid
Pour the rest of the milk slowly in to the pan, with the cocoa powder paste, little at a time, mixing it all. Then put pan on the stove to heat.
When the contents of the pan are a lukewarm pour in the corn starch milk mixture from the cup in to the pan and stir well.
Then turn up the heat and continuously stir the contents of the pan with a large wooden spoon. Mixture will thicken and boil. Then simmer and continue to cook and stir for another few minutes.
Be sure to keep stirring during the cooking process so lumps do not form.
Pour the thick brown liquid in to a utensil and put it to cool and set in the freezer.

After an hour and a half put in in the fridge and let it cool for another 3 hours.
Tweak the sugar and milk quantities depending on how bitter you like it. This recipe make sit mildly bitter.
Dice 24 strawberries like so

When pudding is set and chilled, put a layer of strawberries in a dessert bowl and then put a layer of dark chocolate pudding and serve. Grown ups and kids, enjoy this dessert, alike.

Make the most of this strawberry season with this delightful delicious dessert.