Photo by alexandra marcu on Unsplash
We often attribute different qualities to different colors. But is it possible that our artistic perception of certain colors is having an adverse effect on individuals and society at large?
A Colored Perception
I wanted to know, so
I asked some kids
If Evil has a color
Tell me what it is
"BLACK!" Most shouted
They told me why it was so
I’m listing the reasons
So you too may know
Black is the night
despised and feared
while white is the light
pure and revered
Idioms and phrases
they tell a tale
of villains dark
and heroes pale
In the black night
When evil does brew
Dark forces seduce
those mean and untrue
Black magic
Black sheep
Black is tragic
Evil treacherous cruel dirty
Misfortune death and depravity
Black symbolizes
all forms of misery
The list made me wonder
Does this perception of black and white
Affect the way we judge people
with skin dark or light?
Does our fear of the black night
deceptive and unknown
Affect the way that we see people
differing in skin tone?
This poem was written based on some thoughts I had when I noticed how villains like Voldemort and Darth Vader are shown cloaked in black, while white knights are depicted as heroes. I did some research to find out if there were any studies on the subject and I came across this article in the Scientific American.
I have written a short story based on this idea, which will be published along with some of my other short stories as an e-book shortly on amazon and on my website. Look out for Short And Super Short Stories For Teens, a medley of social issues, romance, humor, suspense, sci-fi and fun. It is a diverse collection of stories to satisfy the many complex hues of teenage emotions.
Update: The book now published. For a limited time, pick up a free copy here.