Cover image obtained from openclipart
The feedback loops of emotion can be explosive, or NOT.
The Feedback Loop
When you’re angry,
try holding it back,
and if you can’t,
that’s quite alright.
There are many ways
to handle it right.
Reason, rationality, logic,
or a meditation technique,
whatever makes you calm
is the right balm.
Go to your private space,
scream, kick, shout,
sob, sniffle, cry it out.
Do what ever it takes
to rid yourself of the toxin
eating you from within.
The only thing you
should not do,
is spill out the anger
onto another.
Rage begets more rage.
The runaway feedback loop
culminates in carnage.
Burn out the fuel,
without feeding the fire.
On the other hand,
joy, praise and love
can never be
expressed enough.
Brave the awkwardness.
Say something nice.
More often than not,
it’s worth the price.
Likely, you’ve kindled a fire,
not of craving or desire,
but the simple joy and contentment,
of a shared pleasant moment.
Then there were two ...
And from there,
the numbers grew.
Kind words spoken,
to complete strangers,
in impersonal elevators.
A smile begets a smile,
however superficial,
it can sweeten or improve,
someone’s day or outlook.
Generous praise,
heartfelt apologies,
showered on loved ones
can strengthen ties.
Hard they may be to express,
but once said they relieve stress,
and then it seems so senseless,
to have delayed the happiness.
It may feel silly,
but once
you break free,
of inhibition
you learn,
spreading joy
is pure delight.
Cherish the warmth
and spread the light.