Click-bait headlines are designed to mislead and provoke. So why are we encouraging this? Who is going to get hurt? Shouldn't we be more careful?
Views for News
Once upon a time,
before the dish antenna,
the evening news at 7:00,
was a much awaited phenomena
Some set their watches by it,
others listened to be taught,
of events here and abroad,
to later critique or applaud
With articulate delivery,
devoid of emotion,
the voices of Minu and Kaveri,
informed the curious nation.
Technology economy,
politics, sports, calamity,
weather and election forecasts,
all reported with equanimity.
News was just news,
facts to be relayed without views,
so each listener could form,
their own informed opinion.
Click-bait for headlines,
designed to mislead and provoke,
stirring anger an resentment,
to boost income from advertisement.
Rushing into the trap,
we let ourselves get caught,
but what is the collateral damage,
have we ever thought?
Hatred and anger,
bubbling through our veins,
with every new headline,
setting off another landmine.
Always on edge,
raring for a fight,
words are weapons,
that can wars ignite.
They say don’t kill the messenger,
but here is the ruse,
the messenger poses as messiah,
and sells their views as news.