You may think I am angry with her. After all, she has been lying to me for 12 years. She, who I trusted more than anyone else in the world. She, who I confided all my hopes and dreams in. She, who I could never bring myself to lie to. Today, I learned that she has been, shamelessly and blatantly lying to me for 12 years and what’s more, I know she feels no remorse.
I know, that if she had to do it over, this is exactly how she would do it and gleefully at that. She has been deceiving me for 12 years, and she does not feel an iota of guilt.
No, she is not a psychopath. She is the warmest, most loving, person I know. She is my Mama. And today I learned, that she is Santa Claus too.
How could I be angry, or even really surprised, to find out that the two most thoughtful people in the world, who filled my life with magic and beauty, are really the same person? But I was surprised, because Mama did such a great job of keeping the secret, so I could hold on to Santa for so long.
And tonight is my turn to surprise her. You see, she doesn’t know yet, that I know she is Santa. So tonight, instead of cocoa and cookies, I am going to leave Santa aka Mama, her favorite Starbucks coffee on the the snowy windowsill.
The photo that inspired this story can be found at https://stocksnap.io/photo/SPYOGV0DTL