I was excited about reading this book, because Tanu is a blogger, whose posts I have been reading since my earliest blogging days in 2015. Tanu's blogs always stood out in the mass of parenting blog posts on the mycity4kids website not only because of a her progressive outlook and knack for zeroing in on important parenting issues, but also because of her writing style. Her posts are a pleasure to read, because the writing flows easily as she escorts you though a spectrum of emotions without getting dramatic. She has strong opinions and a dry wit tempered by sensitivity and empathy.
Keep Calm And Mommy On is a parenting reference book, drawing on the wisdom Tanu has accumulated over the years, both, academically as well as from being a hands on parent to two teenage boys. The book is a pleasant read with useful tips focussed mainly on raising toddlers and teens
For a detailed review of the book click here.
As many of you may know, for some time now, I have been reviewing books for PlusMinus'n'More, a review site for books by Indian authors or in an Indian setting. If your looking for books by Indian authors, check it out. I was thrilled to see that they had reviewed a few of my books too.