Hot Chocolate Is Thicker Than Blood


As a kid, I read a lot of Enid Blyton. So my world of children's stories was full of British boarding schools, or kids tackling exciting mysteries and having amazing adventures. Nancy Drews and Hardy Boys were along similar lines too. There were books of magic and goblins and witches and wizards as well. But I must say, I never read a book that revolved around the everyday problems of regular teens.

After reading Hot Chocolate Is Thicker Than Blood by Roopa Gulab, I am left to wonder why. Did no one write these books before? Why not? Seems like a wide open category. May be, I just did not know about them. What's more, this one has an Indian teenager's perspective. Anyway I was sent this book by Duckbill to review for plusminusnmore and I really enjoyed it.

For a detailed review of the book click here.

As many of you may know, for some time now, I have been reviewing books for PlusMinus'n'More, a review site for books by Indian authors or in an Indian setting. If your looking for books by Indian authors, check it out. I was thrilled to see that they had reviewed a few of my books too.

Tags: teen, family, kids, love