Photo by Asdrubal luna on Unsplash
Oh no I am not talking about the everyday garden variety queasiness you feel after eating too much, or even the type that accompanies an upset stomach and lasts a couple of days. Oh no no no. I am talking about a very special queasiness that is welcomed with joy and celebration for being the harbinger of good news. Yes, you guessed right. I am talking about the queasiness of morning sickness.
Some women are lucky to be spared a visit from morning sickness and learn about their pregnancy in a far more civilized way, through a pregnancy test. Others begin to suspect it after a visit from morning sickness, who leaves after a brief and polite visit. And then there are women like me, to whom morning sickness is like a rude, demanding, house guest who just won't leave.
My story
The first time I was pregnant, morning sickness lasted for 4 months and I would throw up at least 4 times a day and about 7 times every third day. But worse than the throwing up was the constant feeling of queasiness. It was like trying to desperately clamp down an octopus on steroids wildly thrashing about my insides. It was so exhausting, I perpetually looked like a zombie, barely spoke a word and usually glared and grunted when asked a direct question.
Watching Gilmore Girls, The Donna Reed Show, Bewitched and I Dream Of Jeannie helped me survive this awful phase of my life.
The second time (yes there actually was a second time, as wishful thinking, convinced me that morning sickness would be better the second time, HA!), morning sickness was just as bad and lasted 7 months. This time I had a talkative toddler to deal with, making life about as unbearable, as unbearable can be. Some things did help me plod on to see the light at the other end of the tunnel. I have listed 5 tips that were particularly useful in seeing me through those 7 ghastly months.
Most women have some form of morning sickness, and its intensity can range from mild to severe. In most cases morning sickness is not harmful to the baby and passes in 12 weeks. In some extreme cases, a woman may have hyperemesis gravidarum, causing weight loss or dehydration or electrolyte imbalance, which in turn could harm the baby. In very rare cases a short period of hospitalization may be required so the mother can receive fluid and nutrition intravenously.
Is morning sickness the sign of a healthy pregnancy?
From what I read during my pregnancy, that's not necessarily true. Morning sickness is caused by pregnancy hormones, so it could be a good sign, but plenty of people who don't suffer morning sickness, go on to have a healthy pregnancy.
So if you are suffering, what the heck, feel free to tell yourself it is good for the baby, if that makes you feel better.
If not just count your blessings.
This too shall pass
There are lots of websites telling you what helps with morning sickness and what makes it worse. In my personal experience on any given day there is no telling which of these tips will work, and which wont.
The key thing that I found helps, is to keep reminding yourself that this too will pass, and no matter how permanent the situation seems, it is not. As for the rest, try various suggestions and figure out what works for you, and stick to those without worrying much about what other people say. If you want my two cents on the subject based on my own experience you can read this post.
If you are pregnant and reading this post, congratulations! I wish you a healthy and safe pregnancy.
I am thrilled to be participating in the A to Z blogging challenge 2018.