Photo by Birmingham Museums Trust on Unsplash
The virus has taken the world by storm. So here's a little recap in poem form.
March Of The Virus
November is when it began
In the Chinese city of Wuhan
when a fifty five year old lady
showed symptoms of the malady
Steadily it spread
Initially undetected
but on the twentieth of December
the victims were 60 in number
By the end of January
Things started getting scary
Frightening, but absolutely true
It’s a public health crisis, declared the WHO
Over the month of February
Bodies appeared in many a mortuary
All across Asia and Europe
Governments struggled to cope
After the tragedy in Italy
We learned to take it seriously
With nations going into lock down
A metropolis becomes a ghost town
March is gone and April is here
We’re all still living in fear
What’s worse is no one knows
how, when and where this goes.