Cover image created using photo by Martin Krchnacek on Unsplash.
My younger one wanted to participate in an elocution in school, and needed a poem on the subject If I Had A Time Machine ...
So I wrote this for her.
Time Enough To Be Me
If I had a time machine,
my room would be very clean,
My homework would always be done,
cause I’d have enough time for fun.
Back and forth in time I’d go,
turning one day into four.
Enough time to read and play,
fight and argue, laze and lay.
Time enough to sing , dance,
and in video-games advance.
Watch TV, picnic, swim and hop,
jump and skip until I drop.
Finally, when I get to studying,
History would be most exciting,
for I could arrange an encounter,
with Genghis Khan or Louis Pasteur
I could go forward too,
check on what I’ll grow into,
perhaps a rocket scientist,
astronaut or exobiologist.
But best of all I could know,
the mysterious weather of tomorrow,
and avoid the confounding dilemma
of whether or not to carry an umbrella!