These are a series of comic strips featuring the banter between cheerful and excitable Nina, and her grumpy, grouchy Nana. Lavanya and I create these together. They will typically dispense titbits of interesting information through quirky light hearted jabs between Nina and her Nana and are a great way to start your day. Hope you enjoy them.
You think humans are the only species that practice dental hygiene? Think again. Nina and Nana have something to say that might embarrass you in to flossing everyday.
Yoga exercises are now popular world over, and have plenty of health benefits, but they may not be as ancient as you might think. See what Nina and Nana have to say.
Do chickens have a monopoly over crossing roads? This alligator thinks not! Besides, he is a law abiding, model citizen, who would put most of us to shame. See what Nina and Nana have to say.
We humans, often consider ourselves the only intelligent species on the planet. While our general intelligence surpasses that of other species, there are some species that are capable of demonstrating specialized intelligence and some of these are birds. So the next time you call someone a bird brain, think again, for the insult may not pack the punch you hoped it would. Nina and Nana have something to say about parrots that will surprise you!
Ever heard of the expression, Making mountains out of molehills? Well there were actually mountains that rose from snail hills. Nina and Nana tell you all about it.
Ever been to Snake Island? I bet you haven't. Nina and Nana have something to say that makes me quite certain. Unless, of course, you are a poacher with a death wish.
As the famous saying goes: Laws are like sausages. It's better not to see them being made. But laws and pigs may have more than sausages in common. Possibly even Napoleon! See what Nina and Nana have to say, and if you are a bibliophile, you'll enjoy all the literary references.
Voting is not just a right, it's a duty too. If you take voting rights for granted, you really feel the pinch, when you don't have them, as Nana finds out!
After a tragedy, we need something to give us hope. But what hope did people of Hiroshima have after the entire city was obliterated by an atom bomb explosion? Read on to see what Nina and Nana have to say.
Dooms day scenarios are often dramatic and explosive, but really, all it would take is for the bees to disappear, and we would all quietly perish. See what Nina and Nana have to say.
Harry doesn't have to be the only one with an invisibility cloak. Nina can have one too! Just as soon as the scientists at Rochester have made it for her. See what Nina and Nana have to say.
Plastics aren't the only materials that are not biodegradable. So we must recycle to reduce trash and manage resources. But then, one girl's trash can be another man's treasure. See what Nina and Nana say.
Life on Mars has a great ring to it, doesn't it? It's the stuff of dreams and fantasies. But is it any closer to a reality? Nina and Nana and Curiosity will tell you.
On International Asteroid Day Nina and Nana have an important public service message. They agree about the issue, but not about the best course of action. So, who is going to win this round? Place your bets and read on to find out. But more importantly, we don't want to go kaput the way the dinosaurs did, right? So learn more about Asteroids and how we can stay safe.