26 Jan 2016
What Patriotism Means To Me
26 Jan 2016 -
Tania Gets Stitches
15 Jan 2016This is book 29 of The Tania Series. Tania's sister, Sonia, is now 2 years old. Tania loves playing with Sonia. One day, while they are playing catch, Tania has a bad fall and her chin splits. There is blood everywhere and she needs stitches. Can Tania be brave, for Sonia's sake? What does the doctor do, to take her mind off the pain? I hear she learns something about X-rays. Wow! That sounds really exciting. Aren't you curious?
My Fair Mommy
07 Jan 2016 -
Santa: A Mother's Free Pass To Indulge Her Kids
24 Dec 2015 -
The Secret To Building Confidence In Kids
18 Dec 2015 -
The Many Faces Of The Girl Child
09 Dec 2015 -
Mischief v/s Mama: Mama's Graceful Surrender
17 Nov 2015My toddler was quite well behaved. As far as toddlers go that is.Of course she was messy and strong willed and the terrible twos were indeed quite terrible and spilled generously over in to terrible threes. But she wasn't naughty per say. She did not make trouble to amuse herself and then laugh impishly at my frustration. She was often defiant with a purpose and sometimes sulky or clumsy but not mischievous.
Busy Babies And Happy Moms
15 Nov 2015Keeping energetic toddlers stimulated and entertained through the vacations is no mean task. I consider myself an enthusiastic mom. But finger painting, puzzles, puppet shows, story time and cooking with mommy, simply, don't fill up the day. Besides even awesome moms need some me time. So what do we do? This Diwali vacation I rediscovered Busy Beavers and they came to my rescue.
Amazing Me! The Right Way To Be
06 Nov 2015 -
Tania's Martian Encounter
10 Oct 2015This is book 28 of The Tania Series. Scientists have found evidence of water on Mars. This makes big news, so Tania is interested in the Solar system and learns a lot about it. Tania's uncle is a scientist working on the Mars project. But has he ever come across Martian life? Would he tell Tania if he had? Is it possible that Tania actually encounters Martian life? How would that happen? Read on to find out.
Tania's Slumber Party
15 Sep 2015This is book 27 of The Tania Series. Mama arranges a slumber party to celebrate Tania's 6th birthday. The activities mama has planned are great fun, the food is delicious and the kids get to stay up an hour past their usual bedtime chatting and playing games. But the real drama does not start till everyone is fast asleep. The silence of the night is shattered by a blood curdling scream. Who is screaming and why? What could be so frightening? Read on to find out.
The Blackout
25 Aug 2015This is book 26 of The Tania Series. A worker at a construction project near Tania's housing society accidentally damaged some power cables. So the housing society and the neighbouring areas experience a blackout. After sunset it is too dark to do anything fun. Or is it? Mama shows Tania an old book and then Tania has a brilliant idea. Read on to find out what Tania and her friends do for entertainment during this pitch dark night.
Honey, I Love You
19 Aug 2015 -
Metamorphosis Of Caterpillars And Goals
12 Aug 2015 -
Tania Makes Trouble
25 Jul 2015This is book 25 of The Tania Series. Mama has been wanting to work for a while. Finally an opportunity presents itself, so she can work from home. This is ideal for Mama. She can be home when Tania is back from school and get some work done while Sonia sleeps. But Tania is upset that Mama has less time for her. She decides to make it impossible for Mama to work, so she has to quit her job. Will Tania succeed? Read on to find out.
Do You Allow Backchat?
22 Jul 2015Allow my kids to talk back? Question my authority? Pass witty or snide comments about my choices? Should I allow that? I think I should. Yes, I know. You just shook your head and thought, "Poor woman. She is losing it." So let me explain myself and prove that my sanity is indeed intact. I am not an excessively permissive parent. I don't believe one needs to tread on eggshells around their kids.
Nerves Of Steel And A Heart Of Gold
13 Jul 2015 -
Are You Raising A Zombie Or A Wizard?
09 Jul 2015 -
No Babies On TV Please
07 Jul 2015My husband and I like to watch a TV show at dinnertime. Till quite recently, our daughter was too young to care about, or understand what we were watching. She would just play with her toys and talk to her grandma on the phone or do coloring. But off late I have noticed, her paying some attention, to TV shows we watch.
Tania Casts A Spell
25 Jun 2015This is book 24 of The Tania Series. Tania and Tanisha come across an old spell that brings bad luck. They decide to use it on a boy who often teases them. They think it is harmless fun, because we all know spells don't actually work. But then terrible things happen to the poor boy. Tania feels really guilty. How did the spell work? Read on to find out.
Let's Eat Monsters
18 Jun 2015 -
Buttered Toast Is Good!
28 May 2015 -
Tania Loses A Tooth
25 May 2015This is book 23 of The Tania Series. One morning Tania wakes up and finds that her tooth is shaking. She is terrified, but Mama calms her down and tells her it is quite normal. Mama teaches her about the different types of teeth and explains that the baby teeth get replaced by permanent teeth. Reassured, Tania enjoys waggling her tooth and showing it off to her friends and grandparents. All is well, until Grandpa suggests a horrifying way to remove the shaking tooth. Tania starts worrying again. Read on to find out what happens to that tooth.
What's My Name?
24 May 2015