07 Jul 2018
Kittu's Very Mad Day
30 Jun 2018 -
The Listerdale Mystery
11 Jun 2018 -
Vibhuti Cat
19 May 2018 -
The Burning Maze
18 May 2018 -
The Remains Of The Day
08 May 2018 -
Susie Will Not Speak
29 Apr 2018Susie Will Not Speak by Shruthi Rao, is a story of Susie, a girl with a lisp. Fed up of being relentlessly teased, Susie keeps to herself. One day a new family moves in next door. Jahan is keen on making friends with Susie, but what will happen when he learns about her lisp? Read on for a detailed review.
Mira The Detective
22 Apr 2018 -
The Martian
15 Feb 2018 -
Sandy To The Rescue
08 Feb 2018 -
The Steerswoman Series
04 Feb 2018A review of a series of books exploring the adventures and exploits of Steerswomen, who are knowledge seekers, in a world like, and yet unlike our own. The protagonist Rowan gathers information, converts it in to understanding, using logic, to make startling discoveries, even while a powerful aristocratic class do their best to hoard and withhold their knowledge to maintain power over those they rule.
The Hill School Girls Series
13 Dec 2017 -
The Ninja Nani Series
23 Oct 2017 -
Against All Odds
29 Sep 2017Against All Odds by Ramendra Kumar, is about the challenges faced by adolescent kids, when they have to move to new town. Moving from a big city to a small town is a difficult transition for most teens, but for someone with a deformed half developed arm, things can be far more complicated. How do the twins Kartik and Kavya, tackle prejudiced coaches, hostile classmates, and other hurdles they encounter, in their new school and surroundings? Read on for a detailed review.
Shah Jahan And The Ruby Robber
20 Sep 2017 -
Children Of Time
11 Sep 2017A story of the rise of a civilization of intelligent spiders, while humankind is on the path to annihilation. As odd as a civilization of intelligent spiders may sound, the author has done a great job of developing it, with intricate details of how things would work in such a world. At the climax is the inevitable clash of the two civilizations, but the outcome is likely to surprise you. Read on for a detailed review.
Highlights Activity Books
31 Aug 2017 -
A Review Of Mambi And The Forest Fire
24 Jul 2017 -
Keep Calm And Mommy On
22 Jun 2017I was excited about reading this book, because Tanu is a blogger, whose posts I have been reading since my earliest blogging days in 2015. Tanu's blogs always stood out in the mass of parenting blog posts on the mycity4kids website not only because of a her progressive outlook and knack for zeroing in on important parenting issues, but also because of her writing style. Her posts are a pleasure to read, because the writing flows easily as she escorts you though a spectrum of emotions without getting dramatic. She has strong opinions and a dry wit tempered by sensitivity and empathy.
A Review Of The Dark Prophecy
20 May 2017I was all set to go to Kolkata on a family holiday, when this book arrived. As a Percy Jackson fan, I couldn't be happier. It had been a while since I did a review for PlusMinus'n'More but the timing was perfect. Now I had some exciting reading material for my week long holiday. And the book definitely lived up to my expectations. For a detailed review of the book click here.
The Gory Story Of Genghis Khan
30 Mar 2017 -
The Jeera Packer
30 Jan 2017 -
White Mughals
30 Jan 2017White Mughals by Dalrymple explores an interesting period in British Indian history, when the daily lives of the British officials and Indian people were often tightly entwined. This period has been, later, suppressed by both cultures as a result of hostilities, that developed soon after. Dalrymple's account is well researched, referring to, and quoting from, official documents as well as personal correspondences, to obtain a complete picture on both microscopic and macroscopic scales.
And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street
12 Jan 2017 -
Hop On Pop
22 Sep 2016